Wednesday, May 20, 2009

what the hell

What the hell....what the fuck.....
what god give me? what have I did?
shit and shit.....

wei...I really got study last night geh....
I really got do account last night...
I do my account until 3 o'clock...
why i get finally? I get fail!!!
what the hell....
I first time fail my account....
No need teacher say I also know sure fail once.

I make wrong desicion......I should not come today...
Yesterday I had skip my chinese exam...
because I'm not feeling well...
I got the MC...and I can no need go school to exam today.
why I so stupid? why i want to come?
If I dun come, I can use back the marks of midterm exam.
why I so stupid????
If i dun come, this 2 day I can only focus to read my history...
I study hard not study smart.....

Hey, I really don't understand...I had memorize all the things,
but when I go inside the classroom...
all the things which i memorize suddenly dissapear.
they was lost......

what the hell.....
yes, this time, im not very confidence....
I know I fail many subject.....fuck....

You guys....I know u guys can get well marks than me...
please dun laugh me.....DON"T
dun laugh me.....
ma chao hai....

I know people will fail one time in his life....
but not always....
I believe I can do it finally.....
I believe......................................................

Don't call me rubbish....if I fail all the chance that I get...
I will kill myself and no need u guys say.......
I don't want to be a rubbish.........
next time.....give me one more chance....

I wanna give up all the subject....but i dunwan...
history, I want to give up....
But I cant.....I cant do such thing........

although I will take spm leave...
I dunwan let people say me because I cant upgrate to senior 3 only take spm leave.
I just want to prove it for myself....


joyyi3 said...

Peanut ♥
Hey .
Calm Down La .
so rude ==
its okay .
if u really done ur best is enough d .
i know u sure can pass .
Kay ?
where's ur confidence ?
gone d ?
I help u go and find back ur confidence .
how many confidence u want ?
100 ? not enough ?
1000 ? or 100000000000000000000 ?
dont worry .
be happy .
Kay ?
take care, peanut ♥

wind said...

考试就是这么现实 ...
不要再垂头丧气了 ...


你是能的 !

LCS said...

To get an excellent mark doesn't only depend on studying depends on the method you use and Sometimes it need some luck as well...This is what i can say to encourage you...Here wishing you always have a good luck...Be more confident ah...

Yes...I really approve that it is so freaking hateful to forget all you study before...Not only you...Most of human including me will also be the same as you...

Who laughed at you oh? Are they our classmates == ? It couldn't happen de==...